Saturday, 22 April 2017

Ek is opsoek na n eienaar wat baie mooi nar my 2 labradors sal kyk. Die spasie by werk raak nou te klein vir hulle. Hulle is uitstekende waghonde en sal jou met hul lewe beskerm. Ek sou hul graag wou hou maar sit reeds met 2 pitbull rotveiler kruisings tuis. Die labrador teef is gesteriliseer. Inboks my as iemand belangstel of whatsapp by 0799461682. My hart is baie seer om hul te laat gaan maar albei moet na dieselfde eienaar gaan asb. In die dag moet hul in n kennel / hok gehou word sodat ons agter kan werk. Moet my asb noe veroordeel nie. Ek wil nou net doen wat die beste is vir hulle 2


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Friday, 14 April 2017

Adoption offered Plettenberg bay

Image may contain: dog
Image may contain: dog, grass, outdoor and nature

Our two longest residents at PAWS. Both very sweet natured dogs, Oupa and Lolly deserve loving homes.

Free flights on CemAir (Pty) Ltd. and Lolly gets 20% discount at Veronica's puppy school. PAWS 083 287 9917

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

What Kind of Dog will be the Best to Adopt

Adoption decisions are usually emotional and many are “spur of the moment,” where you fall in love with a cute dog.  You take it home and then over time you find out whether it was a good decision or not. A better approach is to take some time to clarify expectations with the household before you adopt your next dog.  Remember, it is a decision that will last 12-16 years.

What Kind of Dog will be the best to adopt

Size, hair coats, breed traits and behavior are extremely diverse in dogs.  In fact, dogs are more diverse than any other animal.  No one article can begin to address the diversity of our canine companions.  Your personal choice and appeal play the largest role in the end.  However, here are three things to consider in your criteria for adopting your next dog.

Size is important in the process, especially later if your adoption is a puppy.  It is more than what breed you prefer, you should consider what size you can manage comfortably physically and in your home.  All too often the puppy grows up and up and up.  That puppy may become too large to manage, but by the time it is full grown you are attached.  Questions such as, how much space do you have, how much time can you devote to walking or exercising a large dog?  Do you want a small lap dog?  Do you want strictly a house dog?  Will your dog be traveling with you often?  Do you have a fenced in yard that is escape proof?  Are you physically able to restrain a larger more active dog?  And can you afford to feed a large dog, which can cost much more than a toy or small breed dog?

All too often the reality in dealing with a large dog and what you had imagined erode over time due to the additional time and cost associated with large breeds.  Limited space, time or resources may make it an unwise decision for the long term.  Just as adopting a small toy breed when you have young children may not be practical or best for the dog.  Select an adult size that is right for your family and lifestyle prior to adoption and your choice will sustain a long pet relationship.

While hair coat may not seem important, it will become a factor over time.  Long haired dogs require more brushing and grooming.  For some, brushing and grooming is enjoyable and a good way to bond with their pet.  Others are too busy or do not enjoy the process.  Left alone, many long haired dogs will become matted with tangled hair which can lead to infections of the skin under the matted hair.  It can also lead to knots or tangles which can only be removed with sedation and professional grooming.

Many long haired dogs do need regular professional grooming and bathing which needs to be considered in your monthly budget for pet care.  Other factors are shedding, which is a natural process for dogs, to shed old hair and replace with new hair.  Regular brushing will help reduce unwanted hair around the house, but for some breeds, even short haired breeds, shedding is part of pet ownership.  You simply need to factor it into your decision on which breed to adopt.  Studies suggest that introducing pets to young children will diminish future allergies to pets.  But remember, long haired dogs need to be groomed on a regular basis.  And start them when they are young, so they will always accept grooming.

The energy level or activity level will vary by breeds.  Some breeds are very inactive and prefer to lie around most of the day.  Yet other breeds seem to be in constant motion.  Some breeds require a lot of exercise; otherwise their highly active nature is directed towards more unpleasant activities that you will find are not conducive to your expectations or lifestyle.  Without proper exercise to exert their energy they may turn to barking, jumping, digging, chewing or other destructive behaviors. 

Size is not always a good indicator of activity levels, some small to medium breed dogs are quite active.  Some breeds are not good for highly active families if they are inclined to include them in activities, such as jogging.

Of course you should make allowances that most all puppies require more activity than adults.  But some breeds, seem to remain active right up to old age.  Also, understand that chewing is natural and important.  This is especially true for puppies as they mature and their temporary puppy teeth are replaced with permanent teeth.  Chewing in addition to being important for healthy gums and teeth provides an outlet for excess energy and when bored.

A regular scheduled exercise period of playing fetch or long walks are good for highly active dogs with no physical impairments, such as arthritis or hip dysplasia.  It allows them to anticipate and get rid of all that energy in productive ways that are good for them and for you.  Studies have shown that walking a dog can be better for weight loss than other traditional weigh loss programs.  Consider another dog, especially if you’re gone from the house for long periods during the day.  Otherwise, dogs get easily bored and they turn to destructive behavior.  A playmate can relieve the boredom and be an activity outlet in play.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Ten Ways to Help Your Local Dog Shelter

Ten Ways to Help Your Local Dog Shelter

Give a hand to the groups that do so much for animals, people, and your community
Shelters and rescues are amazing! They help untold numbers of animals and people, usually with limited resources and very little publicity. Do you want to give back to the these unsung heroes and organizations who contribute so much to your community? Try one—or all—of the following ten ways to help shelters and rescue groups. Don't be surprised if you end up feeling good and having fun.

1. Share your love

Tell the world how you feel about your local shelter or rescue by using The Humane Society of the United States' Facebook share graphics.

2. Get to know your local shelters and rescue groups

Start the process by locating all of the ones in your area. You may be surprised how many groups nearby are helping animals.

3. Learn before you leap

Before you adopt, go to the Shelter Pet Project to learn what to expect when adopting a pet. You'll be much less likely to become frustrated and return your new pet if you understand the challenges and rewards of adopting a pet beforehand.

4. Say "thanks!"

Take a minute to express your gratitude to the people who work at your local shelter or rescue groups. If you've adopted a pet from one of them, show how well your pet is doing by sharing an updated picture via a letter, email, or posting it on the organization's Facebook page or website.

5. Get crafty

Combine fabric, yarn, recyclables, and imagination to bring much-needed fun into the lives of local shelter and rescue pets. There's no end to the toys you can make. Try braiding strips of fleece into fun for dogs, or cutting and folding a surprising household object into a cat distractor.
Are you a born match-maker? Create attention-grabbing "Adopt-Me" vests to spotlight available pets at adoption events held by shelters and rescues. We’ve found DIY options for those of us who avoid sewing as well as sewing-machine wizards.

6. Become a fan

"Like" the Shelter Pet Project on Facebook. Then, if possible, "like" the individual groups in your community, too.

7. Make wishes come true

Shelters and rescue groups always need towels, toys, and other supplies. Check their websites for wish lists or call them to find out what's in short supply.

8. Volunteer

Even if you can’t adopt a pet just now, you can help make life better for homeless animals by volunteering with your local shelter or rescue organization. Do you have experience as a carpenter or electrician? Are you a marketing or dog-walking whiz? All of these skills are valuable!

9. Help at your own home

Make the jobs of shelters and rescues easier: Outfit your cats and dogs with collars and proper ID (a microchip and ID tags) at all times. As soon as you bring them into your family, have all of your pets spayed or neutered. Keep your cats indoors, where you can keep them safe (though it's great to take them on walks if they are comfortable on a harness and leash), and keep dogs on leashes when off your property.

10. Help your shelter make positive changes

If you see or hear anything at your local shelter that concerns you, follow The HSUS's guidelines for addressing that concern in the most effective way.

As Per Ref

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Monday, 10 April 2017

What do you do if you suspect dog abuse

What do you do if you suspect dog abuse?

Abused dogs lack that certain spark in their eyes. They walk with their tail between their legs and their heads carried low. They have lost confidence in their selves and have lost trust in human beings. You can tell an abused dog from a mile away.

It is very unfortunate to learn that these dogs were once wonderful pets, eager to please their owners, willing to spend time together and lead a normal happy life.

Every year millions of dogs are abused and/or neglected. The difference between abuse and neglect is about what is done and what is not done. Abuse occurs when an owner or other person intentionally punishes a dog and submits it to horrendous acts. We have all heard horror stories of dogs beaten to death or trained to perform in cruel dog fights.

Neglect occurs when there is lack of care, owners leave their dog tied up to a tree with no food or water. Dogs are left outdoors on cold freezing nights or major during heat waves.

Most abused dogs will lead and continue to lead these awful days throughout their lives, unless somebody decides to finally step in and put a halt to this intolerable behavior.

If you would witness a case of abuse or neglect that are many things you can do to report such criminal activities. Abusing/neglecting a pet is considered an actual crime and there are stiff penalties. Studies have also shown that people prone to abuse animals are also those prone to rape, assault and commit homicide.

It is vital for you to know that as a witness you will be protected. You will remain anonymous, your name will only be released to those agencies that enforce animal protection just so they can follow up with you and provide updates.

You can report the case of abuse/neglect to your local animal shelter, humans society or animal control association. They should be equipped to deal with such cases and likely will start an investigation.

If there are no human societies or animal control offices in your area you can report directly to your local police department.

During The investigation officers will monitor the situation closely. In severe cases they will intervene immediately and seize the dog from its owner. The case is presented to the prosecutor's office for possible prosecution.

Fortunately, most cases are not so severe and rather require that the owner be better educated about the dog's care and needs. In this case, if neglect is suspected, the owner may receive a citation and/or is given a chance to correct the violation.

Sadly, in some cases when seized dogs are handed over to the humane society they are humanely euthanized. These are dogs whose personalities have permanently been damaged by abuse and have become in-adoptable.

On the brighter side, many dogs on a daily basis get a second chance and are adopted by caring loving owners.

In either instance, as a witness you have been the abused dog voice. You have brought the abusers to justice. You have contributed greatly by putting a halt on a dog's miserable life and the dog will be eternally grateful to you for this; either if it's soul is watching you from the above or if it is sharing precious moments with its new family.

Here are a list of dog shelters

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Saturday, 8 April 2017

How can I help a homeless dog?

There are hundreds of millions of homeless dogs in the world — some estimates say as many as six hundred million, and almost all of them wound up that way because of the failure of humans to do their part. Either people did not give strong Pack Leadership and gave up the dogs because of behavioral issues, or they didn’t provide proper protection, so the dogs ran away.

There are also people doing their part to try to reverse the trend, either by providing no-kill shelters, operating rescues that place dogs in homes, or promoting spay and neuter. They’re doing amazing work. I understand that not everybody can run out and adopt every unwanted dog at the local shelter, but there is something you can do to help.

How you can help
What you can do is foster dogs, especially if you can’t make a commitment for the dog’s lifetime. The immediate goal of foster programs is to get the dogs out of the shelters and in temporary homes, and this is a benefit to both of them. It gives the shelters more room to take in other animals, and gets the dog out of the often chaotic atmosphere of the shelter and into a much calmer home environment.
Most shelters are willing to train their foster volunteers, as well as provide discounts on food and give medical treatment, so the financial commitment is lower than it would be for a permanent adoption.
It isn’t necessarily a commitment for seven days a week, either. Many shelters will foster out dogs for weekends or holidays (or on your schedule), mainly as a way to help the animals become socialized and allow their foster family to help train and rehabilitate them. November and December in particular are the months when shelters need holiday foster families.

The benefits of fostering
Have you always wanted to raise a puppy but didn’t want to commit to a dog? You can with many foster programs that are designed specifically to place young litters with families until they are 8 to 10 weeks old. It’s a great way to learn about puppy development, as well as to practice early housetraining and obedience.
The point of foster programs, beyond alleviating crowding, is to help make the dogs adoptable by rehabilitating them. But it doesn’t just benefit the shelter and dog. As the foster owner, it’s a great way for you to learn and practice your Pack Leader skills, especially if you foster many different dogs with different energy levels and temperaments.

How fostering helps your pack
This part will actually help your future dogs as well. Maybe you had a dog in the past that had behavioral issues you just couldn’t fix, which is one of the reasons many dogs wind up in shelters in the first place. By working temporarily with a dog with a similar issue, you can become a better dog owner, more able to handle these issues if you do decide to adopt another dog later on, but without the pressure of knowing you’re stuck with this dog if you can’t rehabilitate it.
If you already have a dog that needs socialization, fostering can be a great no-commitment way to help in this process by bringing a second dog into the home. If they don’t get along, at least you don’t have the problem of having two dogs battling each other for their entire lives — but you can learn how to avoid this by seeing your dog interact with different dogs.
Fostering is a great way to help dogs in need until they find a forever home, and to make yourself a better Pack Leader. And who knows? You might become what’s known as a “foster failure” — that is, the proud, permanent adopter of a homeless dog.
Whether you “fail” or not, it’s a win-win situation for you, the shelter, and the dog. So, if you can, check with your local shelter or rescue to find out about becoming a foster volunteer, and help us tackle the problem of homeless animals until there are no more unwanted dogs.
Stay calm, and foster!

Original article

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Why are Dogs in a Shelter?

There are millions of homeless dogs in the world, and a large number of them are currently in shelters waiting for one of two options: a forever home, or death. Often, people are reluctant to adopt shelter dogs because of certain preconceived notions about them. Here, we debunk five common myths about shelter dogs.

What do you do if you have a stray dog

There are three things you should always keep in mind if you see a stray dog: the safety of the dog, your own safety, and the safety of others. When we see a dog in trouble—loose near traffic, for instance—it’s easy to panic and with the best of intentions, create an even more dangerous situation.
If you are driving and see a loose dog, react as calmly as possible
Slamming on the brakes could get you in an accident or scare the dog into running away or into traffic. If you are not in a situation where you can safely pull over near the animal, take note (or have a passenger take note) of where you saw the animal and either come back around and pull over safely or call animal control and give them as much detail as possible about where you spotted the animal.

Whether on foot or in the car, the danger might not be in the situation, but the state of the animal itself. The dog may be scared, injured, or even rabid. If the animal appears to pose any threat of biting or attacking, do not approach it. Note its location and contact animal control. If possible, stay at the scene where you can observe the animal until help arrives, so you can assist them in locating the stray.

You have the stray or lost dog—now what?
If the animal is safely approachable and friendly and you feel you can safely take her with you, entice her to come to your car with friendly commands or the promise of a treat. At this point, you can decide whether to take her to the local animal shelter or home with you. If you decide to take her home, we still recommend swinging by the shelter first. If the dog is collarless or tagless, the shelter can scan her for an embedded microchip with the owners’ contact info. You can also ask there if anyone has reported the dog lost. Most shelters will also keep a picture of the dog and your contact info in the event you take her home, in case the owners turn up looking for their pet.
Don’t assume that just because you found the dog wandering the streets that she was abandoned or unwanted. As any of us who own dogs can attest, it’s very easy for the most beloved pets to go astray. You know you’d want whoever found your dog to make every effort to find you, so return the favor, even if it feels like love at first sight or fate that you found this new friend.
Going the extra mile to help the stray or lost dog
If the shelter has released the animal into your care, you can follow some of the tips we outlined in
Dogs may be man’s best friend, but they sometimes need to rely on the kindness of strangers. Today, you can be the one who helps them out in their time of need and tomorrow, hopefully their owners will pay it forward, so that someday if your pet ever needs a helping hand, someone will be there for them.
Has your dog ever gone missing? What happened? Tell us in the comments.


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Friday, 7 April 2017

How to Handle an Injured dog

If a dog has been injured, the first thing you must do is secure the mouth.

This can be done with a strip of gauze tied in a large loop, with knotted side under the jaw. The ends of the gauze are pulled to gently close the muzzle, then the ends are either secured at the back of the neck looped through the collar or if none is worn, behind the ears.

You can also do this by using a leash attached to the collar, brought forward and wrapped twice around the jaws, then held while grasping the dog by the back of the neck/scruff. Likewise, you would want to hold the end of the guaze muzzle to keep it from slipping off.

You then lift the dog by the nape, using your other hand to gently support the ribcage so that your hands are basically facing each other, leaving the rest of the dog to dangle. The reason for this life saving lift is that organs and spine often can be allowed to hang in a more natural alignment until the dog can be lain along a stretcher and secured flat, laterally (face forward, on the dog's side).

Any attempt at lifting the dog in the usual way--the Lamb Lift or the Belly Lift--can permanently injure the spine or internal organs.

As per article

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Dog found with tongue cut out

Dog found with tongue cut out

(Phoenix Animal Care and Treatment, Facebook)

“RIP BEAUTIFUL BOY! The little dog we rescued yesterday had to sadly be put to sleep,” the post read.

“Someone had cut off his tongue that's why he could not eat and had ended up this way.
“We hope nothing but the same or even worse off life to the subhuman who did this to him. Now you are safe in the arms of your maker and in an eternity of nothing but the love you deserve.”
‘He was skeletal’
The dog was found by Surie Pillay, The Mercury reported, who immediately took the him to a vet in Umhlanga.

On Phoenix’s Facebook post, Pillay wrote that when she asked residents about his owners, everyone said he could be a stray and that he had been wandering around for days.

"When I spotted him, he collapsed on the ground and had no energy to wake up. He was skeletal.”
One of the group’s representatives, Neeri Naidoo, told The Mercury that the dog was malnourished, hungry and thirsty.

Due to his mutilation he could not eat or drink.

A volunteer in the group, Dianne Bester and other animal rights activists launched a campaign to find the person responsible.

To report known animal abuse in your area, please call your nearest SPCA branch.

Report 2016 News 24

Monday, 3 April 2017

Watch this true Rescue recovery story

Watch this true Rescue recovery story

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Welcome to our page

Welcome to our page

We are dedicated to help change dogs lives and help in funding Dog rescue kennels with donations, food. blankets and toys. We also collect usable secondhand furniture and office furniture

Many Rescue Kennels are lacking to funding and medicines to help these abandoned,neglected old and sick dogs. We help by collecting for them

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